Refund Policy

Unshipped Orders

If you change your mind after placing an order and you no longer want your order, please contact us before the 17th of the month in which your item is due to be shipped. Whilst orders are generally dispatched on the 21st of each month, your order may be processed and prepared for dispatch from the 17th of the month onwards. 

Returning an item for refund or exchange

In order to be eligible for a refund, you have to return the product within 90 calendar days of your purchase. The product must be in the same condition that you receive it. If an item is damaged please get in touch as soon as possible. Before returning an item, please get in touch with us at so we can provide instructions on how to return your item and our return address. After we receive your item, our team will inspect it and process your refund or arrange an exchange. 


If a refund is issued in accordance with the above policy, payment will be refunded to the original payment method you used during the purchase. For credit card payments it may take 5 to 10 business days for a refund to show up on your credit card statement.

If anything is unclear or you have more questions feel free to contact our customer support team.